What about Transcripts?
Here at Schola Rosa we understand how important good transcripts are when you begin your high school years. For that reason, we provide transcripts to students enrolled in the R.A.S. Online Academy. For families who are working through the Schola Rosa Home Curriculum, we have put together some useful resources for you to use as you begin the high school years. May all of your concerns be put to rest with the help of Academic Records.net and the Homeschool Legal Defense Association! Also, keep in mind that Schola Rosa staff is here to help! Contact us anytime with questions at scholarosa@gmail.com.
Resources to Help:
- R.A.S. Online Academy ~ Enroll Full-Time or in Live Classes at the Academy and transcripts will be provided.
- Academic Records.net ~ This resource comes highly recommended by Classical Conversations Families and allows you to create and store records for years! You pay a minimal fee when you are ready to order a print of your transcripts, but until then, it is free of charge.
- Homeschool Legal Defense Association ~ An organization that deserves all of our support for their work in defense of homeschooling across the nation. Their transcript services provide sample transcripts, GPA calculators, and a complete transcript service for a very reasonable fee.
- Article: “Why Transcripts are Crucial for Home-Schooled High School Graduates” Snippet from the article: “There is no question that home education is growing in popularity across the United States. Current estimates place the number of home-schooling families somewhere around 500,000, meaning that parents are home schooling at least two million children. Surveys indicate that up to thirty percent of those students are teens. As the high school “enrollment” in home education has grown, so have the questions: e.g., Where does one get a high school diploma? Can parents graduate their own children? How do colleges respond to home school records? If a high school diploma does not come from an accredited school, does that hurt the future education and job prospects for the graduate? Surprisingly, the answers to these questions are not only positive, they are also much easier to implement than most parents suspect.”