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Oxrose Press offers printed and produced goods for use in the Schola Rosa Curriculum and in the classes of Oxrose Academy.  Most recently, Oxrose Press acquired Classically Catholic Memory products as well. Our mission is docere ut salventur ~ "Education for Salvation" carried out in obedience and fidelity to the Catholic Church.  Our philosophy of education is a unique mix of Charlotte Mason, Classical and Scholastic insights, Thomistic Realism, and common sense.  As a business, we strive to provide well made, cost effective, and professional products and services.

Our Mission

Oxrose Press offers published books, CDs, and other materials to accompany the Schola Rosa Curriculum and Oxrose Academy. Our mission is docere ut salventur ~ "Education for Salvation" carried out in obedience and fidelity to the Catholic Church. Our philosophy of education is a unique mix of Charlotte Mason, Classical and Scholastic insights, Thomistic Realism, and common sense. As a business, we strive to provide well made, cost effective, and professional products and services.

In order to achieve our mission, we provide:

  • an orthodox, Christo-centric, classical curriculum that teaches truth and grows the sacramental Christian identity of the child and family;
  • a means for communities to practice Christian solidarity and foster local Catholic culture in co-ops;
  • a joyful, community of scholars to aid in creating materials for middle school and highschool students;
  • a useful, affordable, high quality catalogue of educational products and services.

Our Community

Working with others to achieve your family educational goals is not merely a question of utility. Gathering together in the name of Christ to pursue wisdom is an exercise in solidarity. We provide the opportunity for solidarity by fostering a community of home educators, by providing tools to create and maintain co-ops in local communities, and by creating an online Academy where kids can come together with great teachers to pursue truth. READ MORE.

Our Philosophy

Schola Rosa's philosophy of education draws extensively upon the classical and medieval model of the trivium and quadrivium as well as the more modern (yet still Classical) approach of Charlotte Mason.  We seek to carry on the Venerini tradition of educating for the salvation of souls by guiding even the youngest students guided through an integrated educational program that is formative and built upon the treasures of our rich, Catholic culture.  The Schola Rosa parent materials aid rather than replace parents, the primary educators, in guiding students to develop a true understanding of history and nature in which the incarnate Christ is the beginning, the middle and the end.  Our way of teaching is really to foster a "way of understanding" for the whole family, focused upon those things which are true, beautiful, and good.

The Key Points of this Philosophy:

  • Devoted to the Catholic, Educational Tradition
  • Christian, Classical, and Charlotte Mason
  • Family-Centered through Shared Subject Matter
  • Integration Across Subjects
  • Teaching Beauty Across Subjects



About Our Patronness

St. Rose is the patroness of Oxrose Press and the Schola Rosa Curriculum. She labored lovingly and devotedly for the education of girls throughout Italy. Despite much difficulty, she started schools all over the country. Her goals were simple and humble: to provide a Christian formation and to prepare children for civil society. The Venerinite mantra years after her death was this: Educate to Save. This, indeed, is the slogan of Oxrose Press! You can read the complete biography of St. Rose at the Vatican Library.


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